While researching the consumers’ shopping habits, it was found that most of the citizens are more likely to buy seasonal products such as vegetables and fruit. The retail industry’s overview "Maxima Retail Compass" survey data for the second quarter of 2018 shows that 30.2% of the population opt for seasonal products, this is an increase of 3.9% when compared to the corresponding period last year.
“This year the inhabitants of Latvia have enjoyed a particularly warm summer, therefore, while observing the answers of respondents about their shopping habits, it can be concluded why the seasonal product selection parameter has increased. It is important for the inhabitants that the products are made in Latvia. One of the reasons is that people are focusing more and more on a healthy lifestyle. The changes in the lifestyle of people in favour of a healthy diet have also contributed to the demand for products meant for vegetarians and vegans" said Jānis Beseris, Director of the Corporate Relations Department at “Maxima Latvija”.
According to the "Maxima Retail Compass", nearly a quarter (24.6%) of the population chooses healthy products and 25.6% pay more attention to the composition of products.
The study was conducted in collaboration with the market and opinion research centre “SKDS” in July 2018, the survey covered the total of 1005 respondents aged from 18 to 74.
"Maxima Retail Compass” is a comprehensive overview of the retail industry, in which experts from the retail network "Maxima Latvija" have given their assessment on the current situation in retail and its future trends. This time, special attention in the sector's review was paid to the development of the grain cultivation industry in Latvia and the Baltic States in 2018 and the consumption patterns of grains among the population of Latvia. The survey of the grain cultivation industry was developed in cooperation with the joint stock company "Dobeles Dzirnavnieks" and the agronomists from the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
Information to the media:Liene Dupate-Ugule
Head of Communications, SIA "Maxima Latvija"
Tel.: 26425420
liene.dupate@maxima.lv www.maxima.lv